Saturday, January 21, 2017

Zoom in on the crowd in CNN’s inauguration gigapixel portrait

Gigapixel imagery can capture an incredible amount of detail, whether it’s a stunt for a car promotion or if it’s used to capture every detail in fine art. CNN has released a new image of yesterday’s Presidential inauguration, allowing you to take in every detail of the event.

These sorts of pictures have been taken before: The Washington Post and The New York Times released massive pictures of President Obama’s inauguration in 2013, which highlighted notable attendees or allowed visitors to tag themselves. The CNN image only allows you to zoom in on just a handful of people, including President Trump, Presidents Obama, the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and others.

The image also allows you to pan across the crowd, and the resolution is just good enough to make out Make America Great Again on the sea of red hats in attendance — at least in the first couple of sections.

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